showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Descent ?? 6dof alone atlastmoment callisto captives descent descent-engine difficultyspike doors energyweapons europa future indoors io lives machineguns map-3d mercenaryprotagonist missionbased moon robots rockets sequence-timed serious labelminimizeminimize
Laser Squad: Uchuu Kaiheitai  C2 Bros (Target Games)1993 doors energyweapons enhanced facing firearms friendlyfire grid grid-square group nocampaign outofturnactions robots scenarios selectivefire serious story-none tactical timeunits warriorprotagonist labelimageminimize
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos  Starcraft (Westwood Studios)1994 adv-static anuroids automap axes bludgeons bodyarmor bows chosenone city crossbows damagetypes deities difficulty-ingame eob-engine eviloverlord fantasyworld felinoids femaleantagonist fictionaluniverse forest gridmove group illusionarywalls inventory inventory-shared itempickup-instant jewelry knives landsoflore magic magicartefacts meleeweapons minecarts monsters nontolkienian polearms polymathprotagonist premadecharacters resting scummvm seers serious shopping sorcery statuseffects swords throwanything thrownweapons toxins variableabilitypower voiceovers walking wands wetland xp-kills xp-multi xp-other labelimageminimize
Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor  Ving (SSI)1994 5.25disk adnd aesopsound axes bludgeons bows charactercreation city classbased commercial disguisedtriggers dnd dungeon dungeoncrawler eob eob-engine forest forgottenrealms ghosts gridmove hags hunger inventory keyboard knives license-proprietary lockpicking magic medieval meleeweapons monsters mouse multiclassing oneeyedcreatures pressureplates resting ruins serious sorcery spellmemory swords throwanything titularlocale undead undeadmonsters uvl-tiein labelminimizeminimize